Electrical & Electronics

    AFM Applications, electrical-n-electronics

    For many, the electronics industry has been a cornerstone in bringing about the prosperity of the modern age. Electronics have completely transformed nearly every facet of day-to-day life, stoking a nearly insatiable societal and economic demand to continuously improve our devices. One of the chief ways to do so is for device companies to produce faster, smaller, cheaper, and more power efficient portable devices. However, the critical dimensions of these products have to be engineered on the order of nanometers. Characterizing electrical properties at nanometer-size, such as electrostatic force interactions, surface charges, conductivity, and electrostatic capacitance directly determines the product quality and performance in each device. Yet, such characterization something that cannot be easily done at an industrial scale with existing tools.

    AFM's high nanoscale resolution and high sensitivity can fulfill the highly challenging requirements of nanoscale electrical property characterization. Park AFM provides industial-quality electrical property detection tools with high productivity to our customers in both research and industry.

    Upgrade your materials research capabilities with Park AFM

    The nanoscale characterization of electrical properties has always been a technically difficult challenge for researchers and requires instrumentation with the versatility to match ever-changing application needs. Park Systems is ready to helps such necessities for your research with high quality AFM products and corresponding accessories and software.

    • Park NX10

    • Park NX20

    • Park NX Hivac

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